Audio therapy
Success in SAT and ACT testing

Erin emails out audios all over the world for testing. Many students will just listen to their MP3 audio without having a hypnosis session. Everyone does better. Students are finding it harder to get admitted to many colleges and Universities. They know they must be successful taking the SAT or ACT tests. These scores determine whether they will get in many schools. Succeeding on the SAT or ACT tests has gotten easier with hypnosis. Hypnosis can help students get higher scores on the SAT or the ACT with very little effort. One of the main problems students have taking the SAT or ACT tests is reading comprehension. Students are so stressed that their reading comprehension goes down. Many times they need to read the questions more than once. With Hypnosis success on the SAT or ACT is more attainable. Hypnosis helps the student relax taking the test and comprehend the information the first time it is read. This cuts down the time a student spends reading. When the student is relaxed taking the SAT and ACT the do much better. Most students who have used hypnosis have pulled their scores up between 3-7 points. For example one student went from a score of 21 to a 27 on the SAT. We have helped students from Loyola Academy, GlenBrook North, Glenbrook South, New Trier High School, Libertyville High School, Vernon Hills High School and others all over from Israel to France. Students need to listen to their audio that is provided for them. This sessions simulates the test taking and provide confidence and self-esteem that will reach much farther than their test taking skills.